Heal From Self Sabotaging Beliefs
A place to heal, love and rise from within
Hi, and Welcome to A Higher Heart Online Course
You will embark with me on a journey of uprooting self sabotaging beliefs, tools and segments on healing from the root. How to be in relationship with yourself, and how to EVOLVE in LOVE. This course will be LIVE. I will be teaching every Saturday, starting August 17th online from 9am-10am pacific standard time. For each class, I will answer all questions after the session has been taught. So what will we cover? Well, I'm glad you asked. I will be dealing with two topics and it will be broken down in 6 segments. The first three weeks will be about healing, and the last three weeks will be about love. I'll also be sharing mediation practices and other daily practices to help your PHYSICAL AND BIOLOGICAL BODY align with your healing and evolution of LOVE. YOU will not SEE content on this page, UNTIL AFTER the class. For example week ONE will be about Emotional Healing and Wholeness. The written content will be posted on this page AFTER the live class. You will also get the replay of the virtual class as well. IT IS MY INTENT TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION, WITH THE HELP OF GOD AND EVOLVE INTO THIS BEAUTIFUL PATH OF LOVE! IT IS POSSIBLE!
The Healing segments, I will be answering questions and teaching The Love Segment, will be about awakening to..... dismantle and over come beliefs on.......
*Wounds that occurs within religious contexts *Self love (what that really means)
*How your hurt may effect the people that you love * Self love and romantic love
*Emotional healing and wholeness *Tough love yet staying supportive with helping a
*Healing after betrayal love one battle addiction or self endangerment
*Mental Health * How to love after hurt
*Self guilt from what you thought was a "bad" decision * Loving someone through the pain of knowing
* A broken heart how they've hurt you.
* Healing from your past *God's love. God's promises regarding love.
* Healing from family * what unconditional love really is.
* Letting go of the past. * How to change the cycle or relationships you do
*Overcoming rejection not desire
*Learning to know the voice of truth * Waiting on partner when you're tired of waiting
Your Instructor

Course Curriculum
PreviewIntroduction To The Course And Welcome Video (1:43)
StartBonus For Segment 1 (9:19)
StartSegment 1 Ask Yourself The Questions (1) (6:54)
StartAudio meditation Healing From Self Sabotaging Beliefs (15:43)
StartSegment 2 Where Do My Beliefs Come From (10:36)
StartPart 2 of Segment 2 Releasing The Wounds Benefits You (15:47)
StartAudio meditation Healing From Self Sabotaging Beliefs (15:43)
StartSegment 3 Shifting Your Power (13:19)
StartSegment 3 Bonus (8:15)
StartCreative Visualization Audio Meditation